

Don't miss our upcoming vernissages, workshops, lectures and screenings.
  • výstava ART GRAND SLAM / Paralelní dimenze

    výstava ART GRAND SLAM / Paralelní dimenze

    Umělci: David Böhm a Jiří Franta, Kurt Gebauer, Zdenka Hušková, Linda Klimentová, MICL, Rafani, Jiří Surůvka, Jakub Špaňhel, Benedikt Tolar, Victory Nox Art Division Team. Finalisté open callu pro umělce do 30 let : Anna Krninská, Ondřej Navrátil, Jan Soumar, Martin Daněk

    Výstava: 07.03.2025 – 11.05.2025

    Paralelní vesmíry sportu a umění se prolínají i oddělují, přinášejí smysl a propojují lidi. Stejně jako sport, i umění je neustálý proces, happening bez hranic. V obojím jsme aktivní – tvoříme i vnímáme. Sport i umění nejsou jen aktivity, ale způsoby života.

    Kurátorka: Martina Vítková

  • výstava Invisible Moments

    výstava Invisible Moments

    Invisible Moments / Annemari Vardanyan

    KDE: SmetanaQ Gallery (2. patro)

    Kurátorka: Markéta Musilová
    20.12.2024 - 16.02.2025

  • výstava Vandals

    výstava Vandals

    VANDALS / Marek Schovánek

    KDE: SmetanaQ Gallery (2. patro)

    Kurátorka: Markéta Musilová
    24.09.2024 - 17.11.2024

  • výstava RELOAD

    výstava RELOAD

    RELOAD / Karel Balcar; Jindra Hájek; Linda Klimentová; Jan Mikulka; Dušan Mravec; Michal Ožibko; Jan Petrov; Pavel Samlík; Richard Stipl; Leoš Suchan; Pavel Šich; Jan Uldrych; Markéta Urbanová; Blanka Valchářová

    KDE: SmetanaQ Gallery (2. patro)

    Kurátorka: Martina Vítková
    21.06.2024 - 15.09.2024

  • Vernisáž výstavy "Jak se starat o květiny, když prší"

    Vernisáž výstavy "Jak se starat o květiny, když prší"

    Jak se starat o květiny, když prší / Petra Švecová

    KDY: 04.04.2024 od 18:00 hodin
    KDE: SmetanaQ Gallery (2. patro)

    Kurátorka: Martina Vítková
    05.04.2024 - 09.06.2024

  • Vernisáž výstavy STOPY ZÍTŘKA

    Vernisáž výstavy STOPY ZÍTŘKA

    STOPY ZÍTŘKA / Barbora Valášková, Kateřina Ondrušková, Markéta Bábková

    KDY: 19.12.2023 od 18:00 hodin
    KDE: SmetanaQ Gallery (2. patro)

    Kurátor: Petr Vaňous
    20.12.2023 - 11.02.2024

  • Exhibition SPOLU—PRACE

    Exhibition SPOLU—PRACE

    Veronika Šrek Bromová & Miloš Šejn
    1. 10. 2021 — 31. 3. 2022

    Vernisáž 30. 9. 2021 od 18.30 hodin (součástí GRAND OPENING : SMETANAQ GALLERY)

    Jaké jsou společné výhledy a jak se liší od našich očekávání? Jakou mají naše vize perspektivu a jak odvážné je tvrzení, že víme, co bude dál? Společná výstava Veroniky Šrek Bromové a Miloše Šejna v oknech galerie Fasáda se zabývá úvahou nad výhledem naší společnosti do blízké i vzdálené budoucnosti. Zdůrazňuje, jak důležité je rozhlížet se kolem sebe, vyhlédnout ven z oken svého soukromí a následně se dokázat vcítit, porozumět a nesoudit. Zve diváky, aby nahlédli pod povrch svých životů a uvědomili si, jak život každého z nás ovlivňuje společný život náš všech.

    Kurátorka: Markéta Musilová



    Srdečně Vás zveme ve čtvrtek 30. 9. 2021 na slavnostní otevření nové galerie SMETANAQ GALLERY a vernisáže dvou výstav.

    Přijďte objevit jedinečné propojení galerie ve veřejném prostoru (Fasáda) s galerií s klasickým konceptem, které bude nebízet ojedinělé možnosti prezentace a nové pohledy na tvorbu lokálních umělců. Začínáme propojením výjimečných konceptuálních umělců Miloše Šejna a Veroniky Šrek Bromové.

    Veronika Šrek Bromová & Miloš Šejn: SPOLU—PRÁCE
    kurátorka: Markéta Musilová

    18.30 hod
    galerie Fasáda – křižovatka ulic Divadelní a Krocínova, Praha 1

    Více informací o galerii Fasáda ZDE.


    Miloš Šejn: Í H M N Í
    kurátorka: Martina Vítková

    19.00 hod
    SmetanaQ Gallery – Smetanovo nábřeží 4, Praha 1



Opening hours

Dle domluvy


Located on the second floor

The gallery is also available for non-cultural events. Would you like to use up to 300 square metres of space with a view of the Prague Castle and Petřín? We offer a unique place for your meetings, presentations, lectures and workshops.

The price of renting the space as well as detailed specifications will be sent on request.

  • SmetanaQ Events services

    SmetanaQ Events services

    We can fine-tune your event down to the last detail. We will take care of everything from the creative concept, program to decoration, lighting or catering.

    Each event is unique. You can unleash your imagination and SmetanaQ Events will make it happen.

    Contact us at

Showroom & Studios


Opening hours

we–fr 13:00–19:00
sa 11:00–18:00


Located on the first floor

The SmetanaQ Showroom is located on the 1st floor. Here you will find a shop with original fashion, jewellery and accessories that are created directly in the studios on this floor. Here you will meet the designers themselves, who will give you advice and present their work. Drop by to discover their treasures during opening hours, or make an appointment with a specific designer.

Instagram SmetanaQ Showroom

Opening Hours

Wednesday–Friday 13:00–19:00
Saturday 11:00–18:00

Designers represented in the Showroom

These designers have their current collections and products on display in the Showroom. Stop by during business hours or make an appointment with individual designers for special requests and orders.




Opening hours

daily 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.


Located on the ground floor

The deelive brand focuses on the production and sale of furniture and accessories created by successful Czech designers and local up and coming talent. The aim of the brand is to bring quality Czech design to the general public, both in the Czech Republic and abroad, and to support designers in their production. DEELIVE products are characterized by their uniqueness, highly accomplished finish and top-quality materials. With the aim of extending the concept of promoting Czech design, the brand of the deelive design store offers an exclusive selection of interior furnishings, glass, lighting, jewelry, fashion and accessories, toys, books and cosmetics by Czech design.

The deelive design store is one of the largest galleries in Prague that sells Czech design. It offers its customers a unique experience and a place for extraordinary meetings. Every product is treated as a work of art and sold with loving care. Professionally trained staff provide visitors with an insight into the behind of the scenes of creative work. Moreover, we can arrange a visit to the studios on the second floor, where you can watch designers at work.

Café & Bistro


Opening hours

MON - THUR 9 AM - 21 PM FRI - SAT 9 AM - 22 PM SUN 9 AM - 8 PM po


Located on the ground floor

Our SmetanaQ Café & Bistro is the heart of the house at No. 4 Smetanovo nábřeží. It´s a meeting point for students, artists and people from all walks of life who enjoy a cup of excellent coffee or tea.

Every morning our pastry cook comes to the kitchen to bake for you a wide variety of cakes, tarts, tartlets and fruit pies. Our kitchen also makes its own savoury desserts, quiches and sourdough bread as well as hot and cold breakfasts, afternoon menu, and substantial soups prepared from fresh vegetables and home-made bouillons. In the evening, you can sit with friends over a glass of wine not only inside the café but also on our terrace, which remains cool and shady on hot days. 

We are proud to offer quality food by Czech producers from Bohemia and Moravia. We strive to make our guests feel good so that they will come back again not only to enjoy our food but – far more important – to gain new energy from this special place on the Vltava River bank, in a house that we wanted to restore to a new life.

    • Menu

      Food menu (mon-fri breakfast 9 AM - 1 PM, afternoon menu 12 PM - 9 PM, weekends breakfast 9 AM - 2 PM, afternoon menu 2 PM - 9 PM)



    • Our Coffee and Tea

      We obtain our coffee from the Czech roaster DoubleShot, enthusiastic coffee experts who not only thoroughly understand coffee but also visit farms in many countries of Africa and South America. We regularly change our selection on offer; this year it has been possible to enjoy Guatemalan grain espresso or filtered coffee from Rwanda. We also offer tea imported by the TeaMountain in Prague-Karlín, which directly buys fragrant leaves from farms in Japan, Nepal, and India, among other countries.

    • The Interior

      Our café is an ideal location for your meetings, with its distinctive interior featuring Czech design. The tastefully refurbished interior is complemented by modern Bomma lamps, Ton chairs and a solid oak furniture. The rooms are full of the afternoon sun with the rippling reflections of the Vltava River. The large windows offer a beautiful view of the Petřín Hill and the Střelecký Island. In the winter, you can see the entire panorama of the Prague castle; in the summer, the view is partly obscured by the rich green foliage of the trees on the opposite side of the street. The atmosphere of the evening waterfront is enhanced by the illuminated trams that come to a halt across from the house and then continue on their journey.

    • Capacity

      Our indoor café area has eighty seats and our terrace another twenty. The café has a separate lounge with library, a popular venue for family celebrations, corporate events, interviews with journalists and book-signing sessions. A book club regularly meets here. The lounge can be rented along with the adjoining terrace.